
- 009 SAVU
Ei (sarong). Warp ikat. 1940-50. Hubi iki (as far as weaver is concerned, wearer uncertain).
- 010 SAVU
Ei (sarong). Warp ikat. 1940-50 (?). Moiety cannot de ascertained as this is a non-reserved motif.
- 012 SAVU
Ei (sarong). Warp ikat. 1925-1945
- 026 SAVU
Ei (sarong). Warp ikat. 1930-1945. Hubi Ae weaver
- 028 SAVU
Ei (sarong). Warp ikat. 1930-1945. Hubi Ae or Hubi Iki (cannot be determined as this a 'free' motif).
- 029 RAIJUA
Selendang (shawl). Warp ikat. 1940-1950. Hubi Ae
- 030 SAVU
Selendang (shawl). Warp ikat. 1950. Hubi Ae
- 087 SAVU
Selendang (shawl). Warp ikat. 1930-45. Hubi Iki moiety.
- 104 RAIJUA
Ei (sarong). Warp ikat. Early 20th c. Village unknown.
- 105 RAIJUA
Ei (sarong). Warp ikat. Early 20th c. Village unknown.
- 106 RAIJUA
Ei (sarong). Warp ikat. Early 20th c. Village unknown.
- 111 RAIJUA
Hi'i (men's shawl). Warp ikat. Early 20th c. Village unknown.
- 113 RAIJUA
Selendang (shawl). Warp ikat. 1930s. Village unknown.
- 117 RAIJUA
Selendang (shawl). Warp ikat. 1930-1950. Village unknown.
- 135 SAVU
Hi'i (men's shawl). Warp ikat. 1950. Probably Mesara, Hubi Ae or Hubi Iki (pattern not reserved for any particular moiety).
- 136 SAVU
Ei (sarong). Warp ikat. 1930-1945. Hubi Iki - or Christian weaver.
- 139 RAIJUA
Selimut (blanket). Warp ikat. 1930-1950. Village unknown.
- 142 SAVU
Selendang (shawl). Warp ikat. 1950 or earlier. Village unknown, Hubi Iki.
- 143 SAVU
Selendang (shawl). Warp ikat. 1950 or earlier. Village unknown, Hubi Iki.
- 144 SAVU
Ei (sarong). Warp ikat. 1935-1955. Wini Wara Tada of Hubi Iki.
- 145 SAVU
Ei (sarong). Warp ikat. 1950. Could be either Hubi Ae or Hubi Iki. (Motif not restricted.)
- 172 SAVU
Hi'i (men's shawl). Warp ikat. 1930-1950
- 175 SAVU
Selimut (shawl). Warp ikat. 1930-1940. Seba, identified on the basis of boda as exclusive motif, and the number of dini, seven.
- 185 SAVU
Ei (sarong). Warp ikat. Before 1950. Mesara, south Savu, Hubi Ae
- 231 SAVU
Ei (sarong). Warp ikat. 1940-1950. Hubi Iki, probably wini Jawu.
- 232 SAVU
Wei méa (red belt) . Warp ikat. Early 20th c. May have been made anywhere on the island, or in fact on neighbouring Raijua.
- 254 SAVU
Wei labe (shroud). Warp ikat. Mid 20th c. or before. May have been made anywhere on the island.
- 255 SAVU
Ei (sarong). Warp ikat. 1940. Hubi uki moiety.
- 295 SAVU
Hi'i (men's shawl). Warp ikat. Late colonial
Savu Group: two interconnected weaving cultures
The Savu Group consists of the small island of Savu, also written as Sabu or Sawu, and Raijua, also written as Rai Jua or Rai Djua, a tiny island just off its south-western shore. Both islands have a rich ikat weaving culture, with unique patterning quite unlike that of any other island in the Indonesian archipelago, and with a highly evolved set of overall layout and motifs specific to certain clans and sub-clans. Every aspect of Savu and Raijua textiles is named and has symbolic meaning. While there are many ikat textiles from Savu in western collections, older textiles from Raijua, most of them made for ritual purposes, are rare. The Pusaka Collection holds about one in ten of all published pieces. For further information please refer to the pages on the individual islands:
Map of Savu and Raijua
Literature on Savu
Geneviève Duggan has made getting information about Savu textiles like one-stop shopping. There can be little left to learn about Ikats of Savu that she has not covered in her eponymous book, and in Woven Stories, informed by numerous visits to the island and countless hours of patient interviewing, gently digging for information about techniques, patterns and their meaning - much of it of a secret or semi-secret nature and not provided spontaneously. See Literature section for publication details and other sources, and the Links section for her own website. Three direct links below provide access to texts based on her small publication Palm Blossoms of Savu:
Map of Indonesia showing location of the Savu Group
©Peter ten Hoopen, 2025. The contents of this website are provided for personal, educational, non-commercial use only. No part of this website may be reproduced in any form without explicit permission of the copyright holder.
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