[RANDOM] [001] [050] [100] [150] [200] [250] [300] [350] [375] |
GALLERY MICRO PHOTOGRAPHYClick on thumbnails to enlarge
Tree roots and vines in the jungle. Photo courtesy Jill Forshee. |
001 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Borneo, Sarawak, 1940-1950 | 002 Fine, double ply; twin warp, single weft. Whether hand-spun or commercial could not be ascertained. Timor, East Timor, Late 19th to early 20th c. | 003 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Roti Group, Roti, 1930 | 004 Cotton, commercial, fine, quad-ply Timor, West Timor, 1940-60 | 005 Cotton, commercial, fine, quad-ply Timor, West Timor, 1950-1960 | 006 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Roti Group, Ndao, 1920-40 | 007 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Flores Group, Peninsula, Early 20th c. | 008 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Roti Group, Ndao, 1920-1940 | 012 Cotton, hand-spun, fine, and commercial thread, both double-ply Savu Group, Savu, 1925-1945 | 013 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Timor, West Timor, 1910-1930 | 014 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Roti Group, Roti, 1900-1925 | 015 Cotton, hand-spun, fine, double-ply. quad-ply weft. Sumba, East Sumba, Early 20th c. | 016 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Sumba, East Sumba, Ca 1930 | 017 Cotton, commercial, fine, double-ply Sumba, East Sumba, 1970s | 019 Cotton, hand-spun, extremely fine, double-ply Sumba, East Sumba, 1940s or early '50s | 020 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Timor, West Timor, 19th to early 20th c. | 021 Cotton, commercial, fine, double-ply Flores Group, Lio, 1930-1950 | 022 Cotton, hand-spun, very fine Flores Group, Lio, 1925-1950 | 023 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Timor, West Timor, 1920-1940 | 024 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Flores Group, Sikka, 1925 or older | 026 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Savu Group, Savu, 1930-1945 | 027 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Sumba, East Sumba, 1920-1940 | 028 Cotton, commercial, fine, double-ply Savu Group, Savu, 1930-1945 | 031 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Timor, West Timor, 1930-1950 | 032 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Borneo, Sarawak, 1915-1945 | 033 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Borneo, Sarawak, 1880 to early 20th c. | 034 Cotton, hand-spun, very fine Borneo, Sarawak, 1925-1950 | 035 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Borneo, Sarawak, 19th c. or very early 20th c. | 036 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Borneo, Sarawak, 1930-1945 | 037 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Borneo, Sarawak, 1920-1930 | 038 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Borneo, Sarawak, 1880-1920 | 039 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Borneo, Sarawak, 1940-1950 | 040 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Borneo, Sarawak, 1940 | 041 Cotton, hand-spun, fine - plus pinstripes in commercial cotton Borneo, Sarawak, 1920 | 043 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Bali Group, Nusa Penida, Early 20th c. | 044 Cotton, hand-spun, extremely fine, double-ply Sumba, East Sumba, Early 20th c. | 046 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Bali Group, Nusa Penida, Mid to late 19th c. | 047 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Solor Archipelago, Lembata, Early 20th c. | 048 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Solor Archipelago, Lembata, 19th or very early 20th c. | 049 Cotton, hand-spun, very fine, double-ply Moluccas, Tanimbar, Late colonial to early 1950s | 050 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Flores Group, Sikka, Circa 1950 | 051 Cotton, hand-spun, very fine Flores Group, Sikka, 1925-1945 | 052 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Flores Group, Nage Keo, 19th to early 20th c. | 056 Cotton, hand-spun, very fine Flores Group, Lio, Early 20th c. | 057 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Sumatra, Batak, Late 19th to early 20th c. | 058 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Bali Group, Tenganan, Early 1900s | 059 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Bali Group, Tenganan, Early 1900s | 060 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Bali Group, Bali, 19th c. | 061 Silk, hand-spun India, Gujarat, 18th or early 19th c. | 064 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Sulawesi, Toraja, 1970s | 065 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Sumba, East Sumba, 1920-1940 | 066 Cotton, hand-spun, medium; loosely twined 2-ply warp, twin weft. Sulawesi, Toraja, 1970s | 067 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse; quad-ply warp interlaced with quadruple weft. Sulawesi, Toraja, 1970s | 068 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Solor Archipelago, Lembata, 19th c. | 069 Silk, hand-spun Sumatra, Bangka, 18th to mid 19th c. | 071 Silk, hand-spun, very fine Sumatra, Putih Doh, mid 18th to mid 19th c. | 072 Cotton, hand-spun, fine, double-ply Sumba, East Sumba, 1950s | 073 Cotton, hand-spun, fine, double-ply Sumba, East Sumba, 1930-1945 | 074 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Borneo, Sarawak, Circa 1940 | 075 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Borneo, Sarawak, 1935-1950 | 076 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Flores Group, Ngadha, Early 20th c. | 077 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Timor, East Timor, Early 20th c. | 079 Lontar fibre or coarse cotton, or mixture Moluccas, Tanimbar, 1940 | 080 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Moluccas, Tanimbar, 1920-1940 | 081 Cotton, hand-spun, fine - plus pinstripes in commercial cotton Timor, West Timor, 1950-1960 | 082 Rayon, fine Flores Group, Lio, 1950 | 084 Cotton, hand-spun, fine, double-ply Flores Group, Ndona, 1930-1945 | 085 Cotton, very fine, double-ply. Whether hand-spun or commercial could not be ascertained with confidence. See micro-photography. Flores Group, Ndona, 1930-1940 | 086 Fine hand-spun cotton in all ikated bands and stripes; commercial cotton in the accent stripes. Timor, West Timor, Circa 1950 | 091 Cotton, hand-spun, fine - plus pinstripes in commercial cotton. Moluccas, Luang, 1925-1940 | 092 Cotton, hand-spun, very fine, quadruple ply. Moluccas, Kisar, 1925-1945 | 093 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Flores Group, Sikka, 1940 or earlier | 095 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Timor, West Timor, 1920-1940 | 096 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Sumba, East Sumba, 1960-1970 | 097 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Flores Group, Peninsula, mid 20th c | 099 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Flores Group, Lio, 1920-1940 | 100 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Sulawesi, Toraja, Late colonial | 102 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Moluccas, Kisar, 19th c. to very early 20th | 103 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Moluccas, Kisar, Late 19th to early 20th c. | 107 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Roti Group, Roti, 1925-1940, perhaps earlier | 108 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Flores Group, Nage Keo, 1900-1925 | 109 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Moluccas, Babar, 1890-1930 | 110 Cotton, hand-spun, medium - plus accent stripes in commercial cotton Moluccas, Lakor, 1940 | 112 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Timor, West Timor, Circa 1910 | 114 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Solor Archipelago, Alor, 1920-1940 | 115 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Solor Archipelago, Lembata, 19th or early 20th c. | 116 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Flores Group, Ngadha, 19th to early 20th c. | 117 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Savu Group, Raijua, 1930-1950. | 119 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Solor Archipelago, Lembata, 19th or very early 20th c. | 120 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Timor, West Timor, 1930-1940 | 122 Cotton, hand-spun, medium - plus pinstripes in commercial cotton Timor, East Timor, 1940 | 124 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Bali Group, Bali, Late 19th - early 20th c. | 126 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Solor Archipelago, Lembata, Late 19th to early 20th c. | 127 Cotton, hand-spun, fine, double-ply Roti Group, Roti, 1940 | 128 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Flores Group, Peninsula, 1930-1950 | 129 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Bali Group, Nusa Penida, 1935 or before | 130 Cotton, hand-spun, medium, and silk Solor Archipelago, Adonara, Late 19th to early 20th C. | 131 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Solor Archipelago, Lembata, Late 19th or early 20th c. | 132 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Timor, West Timor, 1935-1950 | 133 Cotton, largely hand-spun Timor, West Timor, Circa 1950 | 138 Cotton, largely hand-spun Moluccas, Kisar, 1900-1930 | 140 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Borneo, Sarawak, 1950 | 142 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Savu Group, Savu, 1950 or earlier | 143 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Savu Group, Savu, 1950 or earlier | 145 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Savu Group, Savu, 1950 | 146 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Sumatra, Batak, Early 20th c. | 148 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Solor Archipelago, Solor, 1940-1955 | 149 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Timor, West Timor, 1940-1960 | 150 Cotton, commercial, fine, double-ply Timor, West Timor, 1970 | 151 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Borneo, Kalimantan, 19th or early 20th c. | 153 Cotton, hand-spun, extremely fine Borneo, Kalimantan, 19th c. | 154 Silk, commercial, fine Sulawesi, Bugis, 1950-1960 | 155 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Borneo, Sarawak, 19th or very early 20th c. | 156 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Timor, West Timor, Circa 1880 | 157 Cotton, hand-spun, medium - plus accent stripes in commercial cotton Timor, West Timor, 19th c. | 158 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Borneo, Kalimantan, 1920-1940 | 160 Cotton, hand-spun, fine, double-ply Sumba, East Sumba, Circa 1940 | 161 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Flores Group, Ende, 1910-1930 | 162 Cotton, hand-spun, plus pinstripes in commercial cotton. Timor, West Timor, Circa 1950 | 163 Cotton, hand-spun, medium, single weft (the mark of an apex Sumba weaving) Sumba, West Sumba, Late 19th - early 20th c. | 164 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Flores Group, Ngadha, Early 20th c. | 165 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Moluccas, Tanimbar, Before1950. | 166 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Solor Archipelago, Alor, 1920-1940 | 167 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse for the field, commercial cotton four-ply for the ikated bands. Solor Archipelago, Ternate and Buaya, Circa 1950 | 168 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Sumatra, Lampung, 18th-19th c. | 169 Cotton, hand-spun, great gauge veriations between very fine and medium; weft unusually fine. Timor, East Timor, Early 20th century | 170 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Moluccas, Kisar, 19th C. or older | 171 Cotton, commercial, medium, double-ply Sumba, East Sumba, 1960 | 172 Cotton, hand-spun, extremely fine, double-ply Savu Group, Savu, 1930-1950 | 173 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Moluccas, Tanimbar, 1950 or before | 174 Cotton, hand-spun, very fine Sumatra, Batak, 19th to early 20th c. | 175 Cotton, commercial, fine, double-ply Savu Group, Savu, 1930-1940 | 176 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Timor, West Timor, First half 20th c. | 177 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Timor, West Timor, Early 20th century | 178 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Solor Archipelago, Lembata, Early 20th c. | 179 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Solor Archipelago, Solor, Ca 1950 | 180 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Roti Group, Roti, Early 20th c. | 181 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Timor, West Timor, 1925-1950 | 182 Cotton, quad-ply fine commercial thread Timor, West Timor, Circa 1950 | 183 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Timor, West Timor, Late 19th c. | 184 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Solor Archipelago, Pantar, 1925-1950 | 185 Cotton, ca. 99% hand-spun Savu Group, Savu, Before 1950 | 186 Cotton, double-ply commercial thread Timor, Semau, Before 1950 | 187 Cotton, hand-spun, fine, double-ply Sumba, East Sumba, 1930-1945 | 188 Cotton, hand-spun, fine, double-ply Sumba, East Sumba, 1930s | 189 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Timor, East Timor, 1925-1945 | 190 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Flores Group, Ende, Circa 1850 (well before 1888) | 191 Cotton, commercial, fine Timor, West Timor, 1930-1950 | 192 Cotton, commercial, fine Timor, West Timor, 1930-1950 | 193 Cotton, hand-spun, fine, double-ply Sumba, East Sumba, Early 20th C. | 194 Cotton, hand-spun, extremely fine, double-ply Sumba, East Sumba, Early 20th C. | 195 Cotton, hand-spun and commercial Moluccas, Leti, 1930s | 196 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Flores Group, Ende, Circa 1930 | 197 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Flores Group, Nage Keo, 1900-1925 | 198 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Moluccas, Babar, Early 20th c. | 199 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Flores Group, Ende, 19th - early 20th c. | 200 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Moluccas, Kisar, 19th c. or early 20th c. | 201 Cotton, hand-spun, single yarn and double-ply Sulawesi, Toraja, Late 19th - early 20th c. | 202 Cotton, hand-spun, double-ply Borneo, Sarawak, 1940-1950 (?) | 203 Silk, hand-spun, very fine Sumatra, Aceh, 1800-1850 | 205 Silk, hand-spun Sumatra, Palembang, 18th-19th c. | 206 Cotton, commercial, fine, quad-ply Timor, West Timor, 1930-1945 | 207 Cotton, hand-spun and commercial Timor, West Timor, 1920-1940 | 209 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Flores Group, Palu'e, 19th c. to very early 20th c. | 210 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Lombok, Lombok, 1920 | 211 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Flores Group, Peninsula, 1945 or before | 212 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Borneo, Kalimantan, Late 19th - early 20th c. | 214 Silk, hand-spun, fine Bali Group, Bali, 19th to early 20th c. | 215 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Timor, West Timor, 1930-1945 | 217 Cotton, hand-spun, very fine Sumatra, Batak, Late 19th C. | 218 Cotton, very fine, double-ply. Whether hand-spun or commercial could not be ascertained with confidence. See micro-photography. Sumba, East Sumba, Early 20th c. | 219 Cotton, very fine, double-ply. Whether hand-spun or commercial could not be ascertained with confidence. See micro-photography. Sumba, East Sumba, Early 20th c. | 220 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Borneo, Sarawak, Early 20th c. | 221 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Solor Archipelago, Solor, 1930-1945 | 222 Cotton, hand-spun, extremely fine, double-ply Sumba, East Sumba, 1930 | 223 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Borneo, Sarawak, 1920s | 224 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Timor, West Timor, Late 19th to early 20th c. | 225 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse, double-ply Sulawesi, Toraja, Early 20th c. | 228 Cotton, hand-spun, fine, double-ply Sumba, East Sumba, 1910-1930 | 229 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Borneo, Kalimantan, Early 20th c. | 230 Cotton, hand-spun, very fine, twice twined Borneo, Kalimantan, Late 19th to early 20th c. | 231 Cotton, commercial, fine, double-ply Savu Group, Savu, 1940-1950 | 233 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Flores Group, Ende, 1940 or before | 234 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Roti Group, Ndao, 1930-1945 | 235 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Timor, West Timor, 19th to early 20th c. | 237 Commercial cotton, double ply. Timor, East Timor, 1935-1950 | 238 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Flores Group, Ende, 19th or early 20th c. (before 1930) | 240 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Timor, East Timor, Late 19th to early 20th c. | 241 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Sumatra, Kaur, Mid 19th to very early 20th c. | 242 Cotton, hand-spun, medium. Unusual single weft. Borneo, Kalimantan, 19th to early 20th c. | 243 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Borneo, Sarawak, 1920 of before | 244 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Timor, West Timor, Early 20th c. | 245 Cotton, commercial, fine, double-ply Timor, West Timor, 1930-1950 | 246 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Flores Group, Ende, 1910-1930 | 247 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Solor Archipelago, Lembata, Ca. 1900 | 248 Cotton, hand-spun and commercial Moluccas, Leti, Before 1911 | 249 Cotton, hand-spun, extremely fine, double-ply Sumatra, Batak, Second quarter 20th c. | 250 Silk, commercial Bali Group, Bali, 19th to early 20th c. | 251 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Flores Group, Ende, Before 1950 | 252 Cotton, hand-spun, extremely fine Sumatra, Batak, Early 20th c. | 253 Cotton, hand-spun, very fine Sumatra, Batak, 19th to very early 20th c. | 254 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Savu Group, Savu, Mid 20th c. or before | 255 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Savu Group, Savu, 1940 | 256 Cotton, hand-spun - plus pinstripes in commercial cotton Timor, East Timor, 1920-1930 | 257 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Sumatra, Batak, 19th c. | 258 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Timor, West Timor, 1900-1930 | 259 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Flores Group, Ende, 1910-1930 | 260 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Moluccas, Halmahera, Circa 1900 | 261 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Moluccas, Tanimbar, Circa 1900 | 262 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Moluccas, Tanimbar, Early 20th c. | 263 Cotton, commercial, fine, quad-ply to achieve firmness. Moluccas, Tanimbar, Circa 1950 | 264 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Moluccas, Tanimbar, 1950 or before | 265 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Moluccas, Tanimbar, 1950 or before | 266 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Moluccas, Tanimbar, Circa 1950 | 267 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Moluccas, Sermata, 19th c. | 269 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Moluccas, Tanimbar, Early 20th c. | 270 Cotton, hand-spun, coarse Moluccas, Tanimbar, Late 19th c. | 271 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Moluccas, Romang, 1920-1940 | 273 Cotton, hand-spun, medium - plus accent stripes in commercial cotton Moluccas, Kisar, 1900-1925 | 274 Cotton, hand-spun, medium - plus accent stripes in commercial cotton Moluccas, Kisar, Circa 1950 | 275 Cotton, hand-spun, medium - plus accent stripes in commercial cotton. Moluccas, Kisar, Late colonial period. | 276 Cotton, hand-spun, medium - plus accent stripes in commercial cotton Moluccas, Kisar, Late colonial | 277 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Moluccas, Tanimbar, First quarter 20th c. or 19th c. | 278 Cotton, hand-spun, fine, quad-ply, loosely twined - plus accent stripes in commercial cotton Moluccas, Sermata, Late colonial | 279 Cotton, hand-spun, fine, double-ply, and commercial thread. Moluccas, Luang, Late colonial to 1950 | 280 Cotton, hand-spun, plus pinstripes in commercial cotton. Chemical dyes. Moluccas, Luang, 1950-1960 | 281 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Moluccas, Kisar, First half 20th c. | 283 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Sumba, East Sumba, Ca. 1940 | 284 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Solor Archipelago, Adonara, 19th c. to very early 20th | 285 hand-spun cotton, medium, for the ikated field. Buna in pre-dyed commercial silk. Timor, West Timor, Early 20th c. | 286 Cotton, hand-spun, extremely fine, quad-ply Timor, East Timor, 1950 or before. | 287 Cotton, hand-spun, medium - plus pinstripes in commercial thread. Timor, West Timor, 1920-1945 | 288 Cotton, hand-spun, medium - plus triangles in commercial cotton Moluccas, Babar, Early 20th c. | 289 Cotton, hand-spun, fine - plus pinstripes in commercial thread. Timor, West Timor, 1930-1950 | 290 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Roti Group, Ndao, 1900-1925 | 292 Medium hand-spun cotton for ikated areas, quad-ply commercial cotton for accent stripes Timor, East Timor, 1950 or before | 293 Ikat areas done in fine hand-spun cotton. Odd mixture of double, triple and quadruple ply. Central panel in coarser hand-spun. The fibres look old, with many split filaments. Age given may be too conservative. Timor, East Timor, 1935-1950 | 294 Cotton, commercial, fine, quad-ply Roti Group, Roti, Late colonial | 295 Cotton, hand-spun, extremely fine, double-ply Savu Group, Savu, Late colonial | 296 Cotton, commercial, fine, double-ply Timor, West Timor, Ca. 1950 | 297 Cotton, commercial, fine, quad-ply Timor, West Timor, ca. 1950 | 298 Cotton, hand-spun, medium, and silk pinstripes Timor, East Timor, 1910-1930 | 299 Cotton, hand-spun, very fine, double-ply, single weft (the mark of an apex Sumba weaving) Sumba, East Sumba, 19th to very early 20th | 300 Cotton, hand-spun, extremely fine Borneo, Kalimantan, 19th c. | 301 Cotton, hand-spun, very fine Moluccas, Babar, 19th to early 20th c. | 302 Cotton, hand-spun, very fine, plus pinstripes in double-ply commercial cotton Roti Group, Roti, 1940 | 303 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Timor, West Timor, 19th or early 20th c. | 305 Unusual combination of hand-spun and machine made yarn. See microscopic observations. Flores Group, Palu'e, 19th to early 20th c. | 306 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Borneo, Kalimantan, Early 20th c. | 307 Silk, hand-spun, very fine India, Gujarat, 18th to early 19th c. | 308 Cotton, hand-spun, medium, both single and double-ply Moluccas, Kisar, Early 20th c. | 310 Cotton, hand-spun, very fine Sumba, East Sumba, 1900-1925 | 311 Cotton, hand-spun, medium - plus accent stripes in commercial cotton Borneo, Kalimantan, 1930-1940 | 312 Cotton, hand-spun, fine, no plying Timor, West Timor, Early 20th c. | 313 Cotton, hand-spun, very fine - plus pinstripes in commercial cotton Borneo, Kalimantan, Pre-1931, probably late 19th c. | 314 Cotton mixed with kolon susu, hand-spun, medium, and silk pinstripes Solor Archipelago, Pantar, ca. 1940 | 315 Cotton, hand-spun, medium, and silk pinstripes Solor Archipelago, Pantar, | 316 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Solor Archipelago, Lembata, Early 20th c. | 317 Cotton, hand-spun, very fine - plus pinstripes in quad-ply commercial cotton Borneo, Kalimantan, 1900-1920 | 318 Cotton, hand-spun, medium, and silk pinstripes Roti Group, Ndao, 19th or early 20th c. | 319 Cotton, hand-spun, extremely fine, double-ply Sumba, East Sumba, Late 19th c. | 321 Cotton, hand-spun, medium, and silk pinstripes Solor Archipelago, Solor, Late 19th to early 20th c. | 322 Cotton, hand-spun, fine, double-ply Sumba, East Sumba, Early 20th | 324 Cotton, hand-spun, fine - plus pinstripes in commercial cotton Timor, West Timor, 19th to early 20th c. | 325 Cotton, commercial, fine, quadruple-ply Timor, West Timor, 1970 | 326 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Timor, West Timor, Late 19th or early 20th c. | 327 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Timor, East Timor, 1920-1930 | 328 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Timor, East Timor, 1920-1940 | 330 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Timor, East Timor, 1940s | 331 Cotton, hand-spun, medium, and silk Timor, East Timor, 1940-1950 | 332 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Timor, West Timor, 1950 or before | 333 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Sumba, East Sumba, Early 20th c. | 334 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Sumba, East Sumba, Early 20th c. | 335 Ikated central panel hand-spun cotton, side panels in pre-dyed commercial yarn, two-ply and quad-ply, except fine stripes in ikat on hand-spun yarn. Timor, West Timor, Early 20th century. | 336 Cotton, hand-spun, very fine, double-ply Sumba, East Sumba, Circa 1920 | 337 Cotton, hand-spun, medium, with narrow pinstripes in commercial cotton Solor Archipelago, Solor, Circa 1920-1930 | 342 Cotton, hand-spun, medium (not plied), rare single weft, Sumba, East Sumba, 19th century | 347 Cotton, hand-spun, medium, and pinstripes in commercial cotton Solor Archipelago, Pantar, Late 20th c. | 349 Cotton, machine made, used double ply in the ikated areas, quadruple ply in the red and yellow couloured bands. Timor, West Timor, Mid 20th c. | 350 Cotton, hand-spun, extremely fine, double-ply Sumba, East Sumba, Late 19th or early 20th c. | 351 Cotton, hand-spun, extremely fine, double-ply Sumba, East Sumba, Late 19th or early 20th c. | 354 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Moluccas, Babar, 1950s | 355 Cotton, hand-spun, very fine, double-ply Sumba, East Sumba, Early 20th c. | 357 Cotton, hand-spun, fine, double-ply Sumba, East Sumba, 1933 | 358 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Moluccas, Tanimbar, 1915-1935 | 359 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Moluccas, Tanimbar, Circa 1930 | 360 Cotton, hand-spun, medium, irregular, degraded Timor, West Timor, 1945 | 361 Cotton, hand-spun, very fine, double-ply Sumba, East Sumba, Early 20th c. | 362 Cotton, hand-spun, fine Borneo, Kalimantan, 1900-1920 | 363 Cotton, hand-spun, medium, multiple weave types Timor, West Timor, 1925-1940 | 364 Cotton, commercial, fine, double-ply Sumba, East Sumba, 1930-1935 | 365 Cotton, hand-spun in all ikated bands, pre-dyed commercial thread in all plain sections and accent stripes (befitting the period). Moluccas, Leti, 19th or early 20th c. | 366 Cotton, hand-spun, fine, double-ply warp with single weft in all ikated parts, quadruple-ply warp with single weft in the plain brownish bands Moluccas, Babar, Around 1900 or before | 367 Cotton, hand-spun, medium Moluccas, Tanimbar, Early 20th c. or before | 368 Cotton, hand-spun, fine, twin warp, triple weft Borneo, Sarawak, Early 20th c. | 369 Cotton, hand-spun, very fine Borneo, Sarawak, Early 20th c. | 372 All ikat work in quadruple-ply very fine hand-spun yarn, plain areas in machine-made yarn. Sumatra, Lampung, Early second quarter 20th c. | 373 To be examined Moluccas, Kisar, 1940-1950 | 374 Cotton, hand-spun, mediium Moluccas, Leti, Ca 1940 | 375 Cotton, hand-spun, extremely fine Sumba, East Sumba, 1940s |